Sales and Service Management

Excellent customer service equals both a competitive advantage and an engine for growth.

Happy customers are your best advocates. As Mercedes Benz USA president Steve Cannon said, “Customer experience is the new marketing”.

It’s not enough to just hire talented people and let them get on with it. All employees who interact with customers need to be trained so that they are aligned on how to work together and best represent your organisation.

How we can help you

You want to:

  • Create and sustain outstanding customer experiences
  • Improve the sales and service skills of front-line service staff
  • Ensure that the customer experience is consistently excellent across all interactions
  • Increase average customer spend

We’ll help you by:

  • Working alongside your managers, team leaders or supervisors to ensure that they are skilled, engaged and motivated to effectively develop/coach others
  • Providing you with a sales and service process that will build sustainable change across the various levels of your business and operations
  • Establishing a continuous improvement approach to the development of frontline service
  • Ensuring that your employees retain their learning and continually improve their service behaviours

Carroll’s Irish Gifts case study

Find out how our award-winning Retail Accelerator Programme enabled a cultural shift in mindset and behaviours at all levels in Carroll’s Irish Gifts, leading to consistent, enhanced customer experience and increased average customer spend.

“In looking to design, deliver and evaluate a global retail sales training programme for our 11,000+ employees worldwide, we chose OMT Global for their innovation, high quality, flexibility and speed. A partnership that is growing in strength and results.” – Dufry


Talk to us about how we can help you and your organisation